Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Twitter and another blog!

Hey guys..just wanted to tell all of yous that I have a Twitter account and I've put up like an update thingo by the side of the blog..somewhere there..scroll down and look for it..it should be there or you can look me up at @abnormalchen on Twitter
Now,I want you to go over there and follow me RIGHT NOW cause I love being followed..
Oh and I've started a new blog..a different one for one of my hobbies...its called tummy rumbling and the link is www.adeskitchen.blogspot.com
It is sorta still new and I try to upload post on there as much as I can but I'm failing but I'll improve..I promise..I'll definitely still put posts up on this blog..without a doubt..
So when you're done reading this I want you to go and follow me on Twitter then check out my cooking blog..
Thank you and have a great day everyone!
I love you!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

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