Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Year 10 Formal 2011

hey!! it's late, it's cold..i is suppose to be studying physics but hell to that! i rather write something for you guys than do something i dont enjoy...STUDYING!! ugh!!! i was feeling bored so i went through all my pictures i have on my hard drive so i can do some clean up! but then i saw pictures from my year 10 formal!! and realised that i didnt show you guys them!! so this is probably be a post full of pictures just for a change cause i bet you guys are bored of reading all the time!! and a change will be good!!! but i will be giving a brief summary of how that night and all that!! =) Tuesday,29th November 2011 (Formal Day),spent the whole day with the most amazing bestie who did my hair, then we went over to a nearby Park (Cook's Park) at 6pm to get our pictures taken and then proceeded to the Orange Ex-Services Club where the dinner will happen! This is a Community Club where only members are only able to spend time there!! had great food,great music and a fantastic most pit, lots of laughs,memories and many more that will definitely not be forgotten!! did A LOT of dancing..feet killed after!!! ended the night at about 11pm where dad came to pick me up! all in all..it was a fantastic night!! c
just couldnt have asked for a better night!! well,it is that time again where i leave to do something pointless!!! back to studying i go!! see ya!! =D

Sunday, May 6, 2012


whut up whut up!! people?! i know..i is a gay as mufucka for not writing anymore?! lemme explain..i started senior year today and senior year is like the busiest 2 years i can ever have in high school..so typical me..studying and all that shizz.plus exams and assignments..c'yeahh!!! ok well..if yous all forgives me already..i continue with the post!! so this i actually about faceboook and the "TREND" know how everyone are writing statuses saying "like for a like" or "like for a tbh"... i did one during the holidays cause i was bored as hell and really..i just didn't know what to do for 2 weeks... so im gonna post it here cause i promised someone that i was gonna do it! but before i let you guys read it!! i shall clarify things that might be confusing to you who don't really know who i am!! well,im a protestant, christian.. i went to year 7(known as form 1 in malaysia) in a government high school and i had a best friend named jolyn khoo..it been 4 years and we is still best buds for lyf!!! im no lesbian or anything but on facebook i have a fake relationship with her saying that i were engaged..so here to clarify things.. im just engaged to my best buddy in the whole wide world as a meaning of me wanting to forever knowing her!!! that's all!! that is all!!! <3 <3 <3 ENJOY brosefs!!! xoxo OH DEAR LORD where do i even start with this!!! my beautiful jolyn khoo!! i like that we met and became best of friends after since form 1.. i like how we have our awesome dnms(deep and meaningful moments) where we catch up on each others life! i like that im gonna marry you someday when i get back to malaysia i like that i sorta helped you in choosing your facebook name! i like that i still can remember your chinese name and i dont remember a lot of stuff from all the drinking! i like we are so close together and we both be christians and you been to PCC like a few times! i like how your mumma likes tim tams and i always be getting them when i know that im gonna see you! i like how GORGEOUS you are and how you have the most ROCKING body ever! i like that you're like the awesomest drawer ever.. i likes that you taught me chinese in form 1 cause i was horrible at it which sort of helped me communicate a lil better with everyone else.. i like that you're so multilingual and that you're the master of all languages.. i like the cute little laugh you make! i like the fact that we'll always be there for each other when needed eventho we're like 19 hours away from each other! i like that you always put a smile to my face when times are the worst of the worst! i like the couple day outs at sunway carnival with steph when i came back AGES AGO and the gam gajah at the caves which epicly failed! i like the camp that i made you come with and what happened that night! i like your voice when you sing or when you talk because you have the most awesomest voice ever! i like that we did choir speaking together and didnt win but still had so much fun! i like that we sung together so much and shared songs like the hell was loose and the first song we sang together was silent night with the other jolyn's/ joelyn and it wasnt even christmas...it was more of start of school kind of thing! i love you babe!! you never fail to make me smile EVER and im the luckiest person to have you and whatever boy that wants to be your boyfiee has to come through me and i has to approve and if anyone hurts you i shall break all their bones! I LOVE YOU JOLYN KHOO!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ =D xx p.s. i could literally write a book about us!